finish day7

This commit is contained in:
Joseph Montanaro 2022-12-08 10:14:48 -08:00
parent 393db1d3bf
commit 6abb28f96f

View File

@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ enum Node {
lazy_static! {
static ref CMD_CD: Regex = Regex::new(r"^\$ cd (\w+)$").unwrap();
static ref CMD_CD: Regex = Regex::new(r"^\$ cd (\S+)$").unwrap();
static ref CMD_LS: Regex = Regex::new(r"^\$ ls$").unwrap();
static ref DIR_LISTING: Regex = Regex::new(r"^dir (\w+)$").unwrap();
static ref FILE_LISTING: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(\d+) (\w+)$").unwrap();
static ref DIR_LISTING: Regex = Regex::new(r"^dir (\S+)$").unwrap();
static ref FILE_LISTING: Regex = Regex::new(r"^(\d+) (\S+)$").unwrap();
@ -58,8 +58,13 @@ fn build_map(data: &str) -> Result<HashMap<usize, NodeListing>, String> {
'lines: for line in data.trim().lines() {
if CMD_LS.is_match(line) {continue;}
if let Some(m) = CMD_CD.find_iter(line).next() {
let name = m.as_str();
if let Some(c) = CMD_CD.captures(line) {
let name = c.get(1).unwrap().as_str();
if name == "/" {
if name == ".." {
@ -69,13 +74,13 @@ fn build_map(data: &str) -> Result<HashMap<usize, NodeListing>, String> {
NodeListing::Branch(dir) => dir,
_ => unreachable!(),
for id in current_dir.children {
for id in &current_dir.children {
let child_name = match map.get(&id).unwrap() {
NodeListing::Branch(dir) =>,
NodeListing::Leaf(file) =>,
NodeListing::Branch(dir) => &,
NodeListing::Leaf(file) => &,
if child_name == name {
continue 'lines;
@ -83,28 +88,27 @@ fn build_map(data: &str) -> Result<HashMap<usize, NodeListing>, String> {
return Err(format!("Attempted to cd into directory before ls-ing it: {}", line.to_string()));
if let Some(m) = DIR_LISTING.find_iter(line).next() {
if let Some(c) = DIR_LISTING.captures(line) {
let parent_id = stack.last().unwrap();
let child_id = map.len();
let parent = match map.get_mut(parent_id).unwrap() {
NodeListing::Branch(dir) => dir,
_ => unreachable!(),
let dir = DirListing {
name: m.as_str().to_string(),
name: c.get(1).unwrap().as_str().to_string(),
children: vec![],
parent: Some(*parent_id),
// this is safe as long as we never remove anything from the map while we're building it
let dir_id = map.len();
map.insert(dir_id, NodeListing::Branch(dir));
map.insert(child_id, NodeListing::Branch(dir));
let matches = FILE_LISTING.find_iter(line);
if let (Some(s), Some(n)) = (, {
let name = n.as_str().to_string();
let size = s.as_str().parse::<usize>()
if let Some(c) = FILE_LISTING.captures(line) {
let name = c.get(2).unwrap().as_str().to_string();
let size = c.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::<usize>()
.map_err(|_e| format!("Invalid file size: {}", line.to_string()))?;
let file_id = map.len();
@ -126,16 +130,15 @@ fn build_map(data: &str) -> Result<HashMap<usize, NodeListing>, String> {
fn build_tree(map: &HashMap<usize, NodeListing>, root:&DirListing) -> Directory {
let root_listing = map.get(&root_id).unwrap();
let root_children = Vec::new();
for child_id in root_listing.children {
match map.get(&child_id).unwrap() {
fn build_tree(map: &mut HashMap<usize, NodeListing>, root_listing: &DirListing) -> Directory {
let mut root_children = Vec::new();
for child_id in &root_listing.children {
match map.remove(&child_id).unwrap() {
NodeListing::Leaf(file) => {
NodeListing::Branch(dir_listing) => {
let dir = build_tree(map, child_id);
let dir = build_tree(map, &dir_listing);
@ -149,33 +152,78 @@ fn build_tree(map: &HashMap<usize, NodeListing>, root:&DirListing) -> Directory
fn get_sizes(root: &Directory, mut sizes: Vec<usize>) -> (usize, Vec<usize>) {
let dir_size = 0;
let mut dir_size = 0;
let mut returned_sizes;
for child in root.children {
for child in &root.children {
match child {
Node::Leaf(file) => dir_size += file.size,
Node::Branch(dir) => {
let (child_size, rs) = get_sizes(dir, sizes);
returned_sizes = rs;
sizes = rs;
dir_size += child_size;
(dir_size, sizes)
fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
let map = build_map(data);
let tree = build_tree(map, 0);
let (_total_size, dir_sizes) = get_sizes(&tree, vec![]);
let mut map = build_map(DATA)?;
let root = match map.remove(&0).unwrap() {
NodeListing::Branch(dir) => dir,
_ => unreachable!(),
let part1_sizes = dir_sizes.iter()
.filter(|s| s <= 100000)
let tree = build_tree(&mut map, &root);
let (total_size, dir_sizes) = get_sizes(&tree, vec![]);
let part1_sizes: usize = dir_sizes.iter()
.filter(|&&s| s <= 100000)
println!("Part 1: {part1_sizes}");
let available = 70_000_000 - total_size;
if available >= 30_000_000 {
return Err("Weird, there's already enough space available".to_string());
let target_size = 30_000_000 - available;
let delete_size = dir_sizes.iter()
.filter(|&&s| s >= target_size)
println!("Part 2: {delete_size}");
const DATA: &'static str = include_str!("../data/day7.txt");
// const DATA: &'static str = "
// $ cd /
// $ ls
// dir a
// 14848514 b.txt
// 8504156 c.dat
// dir d
// $ cd a
// $ ls
// dir e
// 29116 f
// 2557 g
// 62596 h.lst
// $ cd e
// $ ls
// 584 i
// $ cd ..
// $ cd ..
// $ cd d
// $ ls
// 4060174 j
// 8033020 d.log
// 5626152 d.ext
// 7214296 k
// ";