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40ea5014dd work on technology/magic post 2022-06-16 21:45:13 -07:00
05c8fcf5f4 minor twiddles to docker-lan post 2022-06-16 20:08:05 -07:00
2 changed files with 24 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ A while back I had occasion to make a number of docker containers directly acces
In my case, the reason for doing this was so that I could expose multiple difference services that all wanted to bind the same port. In other words, given that I was going to be hosting more than one HTTP-based application, I didn't want to have to remember (and type out all the time) a bunch of different ports to distinguish between the services I wanted to talk to. DNS is great, but it only points to IP addresses<Sidenote>Well, SRV records can include ports, but browsers don't pay attention to those.</Sidenote>, after all.
That said, had I only realized it at the time, there's a much better way to accomplish this than exposing entire containers to the LAN, and much less... questionable from a security standpoint: Just bind multiple IPs on the host. Docker allows you to specify what IP address to bind when forwarding a port to a container, so you can forward e.g. to App 1, and to App 2, and neither the apps nor the users need ever worry their pretty little heads about a thing. This is better than exposing the container directly - containerized applications generally expect to be pretty isolated from a networking point of view, with external traffic only hitting the one or two ports that they specify as their window to the outside world. So if some packaged application has to run its own Redis server<Sidenote>Because some people just can't help jamming Redis into every app they write, it's like a spinal reflex or something.</Sidenote>, it might not take the extra step of only binding to localhost, and congratulations now anyone on the LAN can read your session cookies or whatever.<Sidenote>Alternatively you can do what I did: Set up a _shared_ Redis server for a _bunch_ of different applications, in Docker of course, and then _knowingly_ expose that to the entire LAN, and damn the torpedoes. I cannot legally recommend this course of action.</Sidenote>
That said, had I only realized it at the time, there's a much better way to accomplish this than exposing entire containers to the LAN, and much less... questionable from a security standpoint: **Just bind multiple IPs on the host**. Docker allows you to specify what IP address to bind when forwarding a port to a container, so you can forward e.g. to App 1, and to App 2, and neither the apps nor the users need ever worry their pretty little heads about a thing. This is better than exposing the container directly - containerized applications generally expect to be pretty isolated from a networking point of view, with external traffic only hitting the one or two ports that they specify as their window to the outside world. So if some packaged application has to run its own Redis server<Sidenote>Because some people just can't help jamming Redis into every app they write, it's like a spinal reflex or something.</Sidenote>, it might not take the extra step of only binding to localhost, and congratulations now anyone on the LAN can read your session cookies or whatever.<Sidenote>Alternatively you can do what I did: Set up a _shared_ Redis server for a _bunch_ of different applications, in Docker of course, and then _knowingly_ expose that to the entire LAN, and damn the torpedoes. I cannot legally recommend this course of action.</Sidenote>
The caveat here is of course that you need to be sure the IP addresses you use aren't going to be stolen out from under you by somebody's iPad or something next time it connects to the network. This is easy if you control the DHCP server, and either easy or impossible if you don't. For reasons that I've never fully understood, but _probably_ boil down to leaving room for people to do exactly this sort of thing, many standard DHCP configurations assign IPs from just a portion of the available range. .100 is a common start point in a /24 network, so you can usually expect that .2-.99 will be available for you to work your will upon.
The caveat here is of course that you need to be sure the IP addresses you use aren't going to be stolen out from under you by somebody's iPad or something next time it connects to the network. This is easy if you control the DHCP server, and either easy or impossible if you don't. For reasons that I've never fully understood, but _probably_ boil down to leaving room for people to do exactly this sort of thing, many standard DHCP configurations assign IPs from just a portion of the available range. `.100` is a common start point in a /24 network, so you can usually expect that `.2`-`.99`<Sidenote>Someday I'm going to set up a network where the router is at, like, .233 or something instead of .1, just to freak out the one or two people who might ever notice.</Sidenote> will be available for you to work your will upon.
The worse solution (exposing containers directly to the LAN) has this same caveat, so it's just worse in every way, there's really no advantage except that _maybe_ it's lower-overhead, since not as much forwarding of packets needs to take place. So yeah, probably just don't unless your containerized application _really needs_ Layer 2 access to the network, like it's an intrusion detection system and needs keep an eye on broadcast traffic or something.
@ -40,4 +40,6 @@ This isn't actually what the first draft of this post said. Initially I was goin
`ipvlan` is a lot easier, though, and gives you almost exactly the same result. The only difference is that with `macvlan` Docker will actually make up a MAC address for the virtual interface and respond to ARP queries and so on with that. With `ipvlan` it just uses the host MAC. My suspicion is that this is probably another argument _for_ `ipvlan`, as I think I remember reading that multiple MAC addresses on one physical interface is considered a Bad Sign by some network watchdog types of things.
I'm really not sure why I ended up going for `macvlan` in my own case. Maybe `ipvlan` was a later invention so the guides I came across weren't aware of it? Anyway it's there, and it works a lot better than
So there you have it. You can dump containers on your LAN, and they will (from a networking standpoint) behave as if they were their own machines. But you probably don't want to.

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@ -8,13 +8,31 @@ draft: true
import Sidenote from '$lib/Sidenote.svelte';
Clarke's Law<Sidenote>Actually it's Clarke's Third Law, there are two others. Shows what I know. I will, however, continue to refer to it as "Clarke's Law" for the time being, since it's easier to type and I'm lazy.</Sidenote>, i.e. "Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," is a well-known dictum in fiction. I've never had a significant reason to disagree with it in the past, but recently I read _Elder Race_ by Adrian Tchaikovsky and it got me thinking. The upshot is, I've come to the conclusion that (within the world of fiction, of course) sufficiently advanced technology actually _is_ distinguishable from magic, in fact almost always so. Moreover, the distinction is really quite simple: Does the "magic" operate through _extrinsic_ or _intrinsic_ means? Does the magic-user act by operating a device that acts on the natural world, or does he simply exert his will and the world conforms to his desire? If the former, it's probably technology, and if the latter, it's probably magic.
Arthur C. Clarke is famous for many things, among them being his dictum that "Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."<Sidenote>Which I had always thought of as "Clarke's Law", I looked it up when I went to write this and discovered that it's actually Clarke's _Third_ Law. Apparently he has two others. I don't know that I've ever run into them, though. Maybe he should have led with this one?</Sidenote> I'm often happy to take issue with Clarke's opinions, so today I want to put this one on the chopping block.
Before we get started, a note: the pedantic may argue that by "indistinguishable" he simply means "from the outside," as it were. That is, if you're an untrained citizen of the Galactic Empire or whatever, your knowledge of how a hyperdrive works is so far removed from the reality that it might as well be magic - certainly you couldn't build a new one from scratch, or even fix a broken one. That's as may be, but it's not the interpretation that I want to address here, for two reasons: 1) it's boring, and 2) I don't think that's what Clarke actually meant when he coined the phrase.
In fact, I think Clarke was thinking more along these lines: Advanced technology (by which I mean, technology that is more advanced than anything we have today) and magic both postulate that the impossible is possible. In the case of non-fundamental advances you can kind of see how this might come about, like an economically feasible Mach 3 passenger aircraft, for instance. But as technology gets further and further from the current state of the art, and encompasses more and more that's not just "we don't know if it's possible" but "we actually think it's impossible" the divorce from reality becomes so complete that it's _just as profound_ as a wizard who levitates and summons fireballs out of the air by sheer power of will.<Sidenote>It's also interesting to note that Clarke wrote primarily _near-future_ sci-fi - his most famous work is set _twenty years ago_, for goodness sake! But perhaps that has something to do with his apparent disdain for grander flights of sci-fi fancy.</Sidenote>
That's what I'm disagreeing with. In particular I take issue with the term "indistinguishable," because it implies there is _no basis_ by which the technology in question can be distinguished from magic. I think, however, that there usually _is_ such a distinction, and in fact it's quite easy to make. And it doesn't have anything to do with _how_ advanced the technology is, which may be why it didn't occur to Clarke, but this is my blog so I get to be as nitpicky as I like.<Sidenote>Yes, I know that I just implied above that I'm above pedantry, so what? Still my blog, and I don't have to be consistent unless I want to.</Sidenote>
To me, the distinction between technology and magic has always hinged more on the _mechanism_ of the thing than its degree of connection with reality. To wit: Does the [magic, technology] constitute an _intrinsic_ or _extrinsic_ means for someone to influence the world around them? If intrinsic, then it's magic. If extrinsic, then it's technology.
When I say "intrinsic" and "extrinsic" I'm mostly thinking of the origin of the power. An intrinsic power is something natural that the user is born with, while an extrinsic power is conferred by artifice - usually some sort of constructed device. There are definitely edge cases that blur the line between these distinctions, but they're mostly pretty clear when you're looking at individual examples.
For example, a wizard who moves objects by focusing his mind and exerting his will on the universe is using magic. A starship captain who moves objects using a tractor beam is using technology, because the tractor beam constitutes an _extrinsic_ means of interacting with the world. The only intrinsic tools that the starship captain uses are (presumably) hands to manipulate controls of some sort.<Sidenote>There could, of course, be some kind of computer-mediated direct-brain interface, but that definitely still counts as technology since, again, the computer is merely reacting to _normal human actions_, in this case thoughts.</Sidenote>
Interestingly, by this definition there's no need for magic to be restricted to a certain subset of the population. You could easily imagine a world where _everyone_ has the power of telekinesis or something, or even one of many powers, and in fact it would be quite interesting to explore the ramifications of such a world. Mostly, however, stories that portray magic as we've defined it portray it as something available to only a few.
## Original form
Clarke's Law<Sidenote>Actually it's Clarke's Third Law, there are two others. Shows what I know. I will, however, continue to refer to it as "Clarke's Law" for the time being, since it's easier to type and I'm lazy.</Sidenote>, i.e. "Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," is a well-known dictum in science fiction. I've never had a significant reason to disagree with it in the past, but recently I read _Elder Race_ by Adrian Tchaikovsky and it got me thinking. The upshot is, I've come to the conclusion that (within the world of fiction, of course) sufficiently advanced technology actually _is_ distinguishable from magic, in fact almost always so. Moreover, the distinction is really quite simple: Does the "magic" operate through _extrinsic_ or _intrinsic_ means? Does the magic-user act by operating a device that acts on the natural world, or does he simply exert his will and the world conforms to his desire? If the former, it's probably technology, and if the latter, it's probably magic.
Before I get started though, the book: _Elder Race_ is quite enjoyable, and not very long either, so you should definitely read it if you're into either sci-fi _or_ fantasy, because it manages to be both. In the interest of avoiding too many spoilers I won't go into too much detail, but the main conceit of the book is spoiled by the jacket blurb anyway, so I won't worry too much about that one. In brief: _Elder Race_ is an enjoyable and fairly in-depth exploration of Clarke's Law. It spends a lot of time considering not just the basic aspects (Look, flying machines! Must be magic!) but deeper questions, like: how would you even go about explaining technology to someone from an un-technological society?
Unsurprisingly, it comes away with more or less the conclusion that you can't really: the technologically unaware will continue to regard your flying machines as magical conveyances held aloft by arcane powers, your radio as deep wizardry that allows you to commune with distant spirits, and so on. You can try to explain it all you like, but if you say "science" your listener will hear "magic," and if you say "it's just an understanding of natural forces built up over generations" they will hear "it's just hidden knowledge of the secrets of the universe, handed down from the ancients." There is a communications barrier that is, according to this view, insurmountable without starting at the very beginning and working your way up.
Now, this may or may not be true, but I'd like to take issue with the more general formulation of Clarke's Law. I've always taken the "indistinguishable" bit to mean that _no one_ can distinguish the two, not just that _those unfamiliar with technology_ can distinguish. I don't think that's the case, though. I think that you _can_ distinguish between magic and technology, and that the distinction is trivial in most cases. The question you can usually ask, and often get a clear answer to, is: "Does the [magic/technology] operate by means of devices, or does it rely on internal powers of the user?" if the former, it's technology. If the latter, it's magic.
Now, this may or may not be true, but I'd like to take issue with the more general formulation of Clarke's Law. I've always taken the "indistinguishable" bit to mean that _no one_ can distinguish the two, not just that _those unfamiliar with technology_ can make the distinction. I don't think that's the case, though. I think that you _can_ distinguish between magic and technology, and that the distinction is trivial at least in many cases. The question you can usually ask, and often get a clear answer to, is: "Does the [magic/technology] operate by means of devices, or does it rely on internal powers of the user?" if the former, it's technology. If the latter, it's magic.
Let's take some examples. On the magic side, think of some of the classic swords-and-sorcery canon: _Earthsea_, _Wheel of Time_<Sidenote>Much as I dislike it, it's undeniably genre-defining.</Sidenote>, _Prydain Chronicles_, _Chronicles of Amber_, _Belgariad_, and so on.<Sidenote>You might notice that I've skipped LOTR here: don't worry, it will show up later.</Sidenote> All of these have in common that magic is effected by a _direct act of will_. There is no mediating device or artifice, the magician simply exerts his will on the universe. There may be techniques involved, or limits to what the magic can accomplish, but there's fundamentally just some direct connection between the wizard's will and the natural world that other people don't have, and that's what makes him a wizard.