import bitops, strutils, random proc show(i: SomeInteger, bitlength = 16) = echo BiggestInt(i).toBin(bitlength) type Color = enum cRed, cGreen, cBlue, cYellow, cPurple ColorStack = object data: uint16 len: uint8 const masks = [ 0'u16, # dummy value just to get the indices right 0b0_000_000_000_000_111, 0b0_000_000_000_111_111, 0b0_000_000_111_111_111, 0b0_000_111_111_111_111, 0b0_111_111_111_111_111, ] template offset(s: ColorStack, idx: Natural): uint8 = # Compute the bit offset for a given index. # Dependent on the stack's length. (s.len - 1 - cast[uint8](idx)) * 3 # items are stored from left to right but right-aligned, so we # need to shift right to access anything other than the last template offset(s: ColorStack, idx: BackwardsIndex): uint8 = # for backwards index, we are still shifting right but # the lower the index the less we have to shift (cast[uint8](idx) - 1) * 3 proc add(s: var ColorStack, c: Color) = # e.g. if stack is 0b0000000000000100: # and color is 0b00000011 # shift: 0b0000000000100000 # bitor: 0b0000000000100000 and 0b00000011 # results in 0b0000000000100011 = ( shl 3).bitor(cast[uint8](c)) inc s.len proc high(s: ColorStack): uint8 = s.len - 1 proc low(s: ColorStack): uint8 = 0 # just... always 0, I guess proc `[]`(s: ColorStack, i: uint8 | BackwardsIndex): Color = # shift, then mask everything but the three rightmost bits result = cast[Color]( ( shr s.offset(i)) and masks[1] ) proc `[]=`(s: var ColorStack, i: uint8 | BackwardsIndex, c: Color) = let offset = s.offset(i) = ( and bitnot(masks[1] shl offset)) or (cast[uint16](c) shl offset) iterator items(s: ColorStack): Color = # s.len is unsigned so it will wrap around if we do s.len - 1 in that case if s.len != 0: for i in countdown(s.len - 1, 0'u8): yield cast[Color](( shr (i * 3)) and masks[1]) iterator pairs(s: ColorStack): (int, Color) = var count = 0 for color in s: yield (count, color) inc count proc find(s: ColorStack, needle: Color): uint8 = for i in 0'u8 .. s.high: if s[i] == needle: return i proc moveSubstack(src, dst: var ColorStack, nToMove: uint8) = # Moves a sub-stack from the top of src to the top of dst # shift the dst stack by the length of the substack to make room let shift = nToMove * 3 = shl shift # then we mask the source data to present only the items # being moved, and OR that with the shifted dst data = or ( and masks[src.len]) dst.len += nToMove # then we shift the source to get rid of the moved items = shr shift src.len -= nToMove proc moveSubstackPre(src, dst: var ColorStack, nToMove: uint8) = # Moves a sub-stack from the top of src to the bottom of dst # shift src stack to position substack above its destination, # get rid of everything to the left of the substack, # and OR that with the existing dst data = or ( ( shl (dst.len * 3)) and masks[src.len]) dst.len += nToMove # get rid of the substack we just moved = shr (nToMove * 3) src.len -= nToMove proc swap(s: var ColorStack, i1, i2: uint8) = # Swap the values at two indices in the stack if i1 == i2: return # i1 and i2 are unsigned, so we have to watch out for underflows let diff = if i1 > i2: (i1 - i2) * 3 else: (i2 - i1) * 3 # take masks[1] from above (rightmost position) and shift to position of i1. # then do the same for i2, and OR them together. let mask = (masks[1] shl s.offset(i1)) or (masks[1] shl s.offset(i2)) # get rid of everything but the two values we're swapping let masked = and mask # shift by the distance between values in both directions, combine, then mask let swapped = ((masked shl diff) or (masked shr diff)) and mask # finally, AND with the inverse of mask so that only the values being # swapped are erased, and combine that with the swapped values = ( and mask.bitnot) or swapped proc shuffle(r: var Rand, s: var ColorStack) = # Fisher-Yates shuffle for i in countdown(s.high, 1'u8): let j = cast[uint8](r.rand(i)) if j != i: s.swap(i, j) proc reverse(s: var ColorStack, first, last: uint8) = var x = first var y = last while x < y: s.swap(x, y) inc x dec y proc asInt(s: ColorStack): uint16 = proc `$`(s: ColorStack): string = result = "St@[" for c in s: if result[^1] != '[': result.add(", ") result.add($c) result.add("]") var one: ColorStack one.add(cRed) one.add(cGreen) one.add(cBlue) one.add(cYellow) one.add(cPurple) var two: ColorStack # two.add(cPurple) two.add(cRed) # two.add(cYellow) echo "one: ", one # echo "two: ", two one.reverse(0, 4) echo "one: ", one # one[^2] = cPurple # echo "one: ", one # echo "one 0: ", one[0] # echo "one 2: ", one[2] # echo "one 3: ", one[3] # echo "one ^1: ", one[^1] # echo "one ^2: ", one[^2] # echo "one ^4: ", one[^4] # echo "" # moveSubstack(one, two, 2) # echo "one: ", one # echo "two: ", two