
138 lines
3.3 KiB

import cpuinfo, math, options, random, tables
import combinators, game, fixedseq
ScoreSet* = array[Color, int]
WinPercents* = array[Color, float]
ScoreSpread = object
lo*: array[Color, float]
hi*: array[Color, float]
LegResults* = tuple[scores: ScoreSet, endStates: CountTable[Board]]
proc update*(scores: var ScoreSet, toAdd: ScoreSet) =
for i, s in toAdd:
scores[i] += s
proc display*(scores: ScoreSet) =
let total = scores.sum
for color, score in scores:
let line = $color & ": " & $round(100 * scores[color] / total, 2) & '%'
# echo color, ": ", round(100 * scores[color] / total, 2), '%'
proc percents*(scores: ScoreSet): WinPercents =
let total = scores.sum
for c, score in scores:
result[c] = score / total
# ======================
# Single-leg simulations
# ======================
iterator legEndStates(b: Board): Board =
var diceRemaining: FixedSeq[5, Color, int8]
for i, c in b.diceRolled:
if not c: diceRemaining.add(i)
for future in possibleFutures(diceRemaining):
var prediction = b # make a copy so we can mutate
for dieRoll in future:
yield prediction
proc getLegScores*(b: Board): ScoreSet =
for prediction in b.legEndStates:
inc result[prediction.leader.get]
# =====================
# Full-game simulations
# =====================
proc randomGame*(b: Board, r: var Rand): Color =
var projection = b
while true:
for roll in randomFuture(projection.diceRemaining, r):
if projection.gameOver:
return projection.leader.get
proc randomGamesWorker(b: Board, count: Natural, r: var Rand): ScoreSet =
for i in 1 .. count:
let winner = b.randomGame(r)
inc result[winner]
# =======================
# Multithreading nonsense
# =======================
type WorkerArgs = object
board: Board
count: Natural
seed: int64
# have to do this at the module level so it can be shared
var gamesChannel: Channel[ScoreSet]
proc randomGamesThread(args: WorkerArgs) =
var r = initRand(args.seed)
let scores = randomGamesWorker(args.board, args.count, r)
proc randomGames*(b: Board, count: Natural, parallel = true, numThreads = 0): ScoreSet =
if not parallel:
var r = initRand(rand(int64))
return randomGamesWorker(b, count, r)
let numThreads =
if numThreads == 0:
var workers = newSeq[Thread[WorkerArgs]](numThreads)
for i, w in workers.mpairs:
var numGames = int(floor(count / numThreads))
if i < (count mod numThreads):
numGames += 1
let args = WorkerArgs(board: b, count: numGames, seed: rand(int64))
createThread(w, randomGamesThread, args)
for i in 1 .. numThreads:
let scores = gamesChannel.recv()
proc randomSpread*(b: Board; nTests, nSamples: Natural): ScoreSpread =
for s in result.lo.mitems:
s = 1
for i in 0 ..< nTests:
let scores = b.randomGames(nSamples)
let total = scores.sum
for color, score in scores:
let pct = score / total
if pct < result.lo[color]:
result.lo[color] = pct
if pct > result.hi[color]:
result.hi[color] = pct