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My original plan was to use [libsodium]( to handle encryption. However, the Rust bindings for libsodium are no longer actively maintained, which left me uncomfortable with using it. Instead, I switched to the [RustCrypto]( implementations of the same (or nearly the same) cryptographic primitives provided by libsodium.
Creddy makes use of two cryptographic primitives: A key-derivation function, which is currently `argon2id`, and a symmetric encryption algorithm, currently `XChaCha20Poly1305`.
* I chose `argon2id` because it's what libsodium uses, and because its difficulty parameters admit of very granular tuning.
* I chose `XChaCha20Poly1305` because it's _almost_ what libsodium uses - libsodium uses `XSalsa20Poly1305`, and it's my undersatnding that `XChaCha20Poly1305` is an evolution of the former. In both cases I use the eXtended variants, which make use of longer (24-byte) nonces than the non-X variants. This appealed to me because I wanted to be able to randomly generate a nonce every time I needed one, and I have seen [recommendations]( that the 12-byte nonces used by the non-X variants are _juuust_ a touch small for that to be truly worry-free. The RustCrypto implementation of `XChaCha20Poly1305` has also been subject to a security audit, which is nice.
I tuned the `argon2id` parameters so that key-derivation would take ~800ms on my Ryzen 1600X. This is probably overkill, but I don't intend for key-derivation to be a frequent occurrence - no more than once a day, under normal circumstances. Taking in the neighborhood of 1 second seemed about the longest I could reasonably go.
**DISCLAIMER**: I am not a professional cryptographer, merely an interested amateur. While I've tried to be as careful as possible with selecting and making use of the cryptographic building blocks I've chosen here, there is always the possibility that I've screwed something up. If anyone would like to sponsor an _actual_ security review of Creddy by people who _actually_ know what they're doing instead of just what they've read on the internet, please let me know.