store camel stack positions (also slower apparently)

This commit is contained in:
Joseph Montanaro 2021-07-19 12:13:35 -07:00
parent 94c4240d63
commit 8abe9fdd63

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@ -53,9 +53,13 @@ type
camels*: ColorStack
tile*: Option[Tile]
CamelPos* = object
square*: range[1..16]
stackIdx*: int8
Board* = object
squares*: array[1..16, Square]
camels*: array[Color, range[1..16]]
camels*: array[Color, CamelPos]
diceRolled*: array[Color, bool]
leader*: Option[Color]
gameOver*: bool
@ -103,13 +107,17 @@ proc setState*(b: var Board;
tiles: openArray[tuple[t: Tile, p: int]]) =
for (color, dest) in camels: # note that `camels` is ordered, as this determines stacking
b.camels[color] = dest
let height = b[dest].camels.high
b.camels[color] = CamelPos(square: dest, stackIdx: height)
for (tile, dest) in tiles:
b[dest].tile = some(tile)
let leadCamel = b[max(b.camels)].camels[^1] # top camel in the last currently-occupied space
b.leader = some(leadCamel)
for sq in b.squares:
if sq.camels.len > 0:
let squareLeader = sq.camels[^1]
if b.leader.isNone or b.leader.get != squareLeader:
b.leader = some(squareLeader)
proc diceRemaining*(b: Board): ColorStack =
@ -126,7 +134,7 @@ proc resetDice*(b: var Board) =
proc advance*(b: var Board, die: Die) =
(color, roll) = die
startPos = b.camels[color]
startPos = b.camels[color].square
var endPos = startPos + roll
if endPos > 16: # camel has passed the finish line
@ -144,18 +152,18 @@ proc advance*(b: var Board, die: Die) =
if prepend:
b[startPos].camels.moveSubstackPre(b[endPos].camels, stackStart)
let stackLen = b[startPos].camels.len - stackStart
for i in 0 ..< stackLen:
for i in 0'i8 ..< stackLen:
# we know how many camels we added to the bottom, so set the position for each of those
b.camels[b[endPos].camels[i]] = endPos
b.camels[b[endPos].camels[i]] = CamelPos(square: endPos, stackIdx: i) # replace with cast later?
let dstPrevHigh = b[endPos].camels.high
b[startPos].camels.moveSubstack(b[endPos].camels, stackStart)
# the camels that have moved start immediately after the previous high camel
for i in (dstPrevHigh + 1) .. b[endPos].camels.high:
b.camels[b[endPos].camels[i]] = endPos
b.camels[b[endPos].camels[i]] = CamelPos(square: endPos, stackIdx: i)
# if we are stacking on or moving past the previous leader
if endPos >= b.camels[b.leader.get]:
if endPos >= b.camels[b.leader.get].square:
b.leader = some(b[endPos].camels[^1])
b.diceRolled[color] = true